Free Advice

| August 21, 2014

Daily Dose-peach



Lots of people want it.

Not only do they want it, they want it personalized just for them, even if their situation is run of the mill and covered by the most generic of terms.

There are two problems with giving free advice: either people want more of it, forever; or they get it and don’t listen to it.

For the first, there has to come a time when you’re either going to have to refuse, or charge them for services rendered. Be aware that the first could make you look bad in their eyes, and the latter could embroil you even deeper into that person’s conundrum. You’ll have to be sure to charge appropriately for what you do.

For the other, after they’ve established a pattern of getting advice and not taking it, you’ll have to decide whether or not to go through the trouble. Especially if you see that the advice you’ve given is valid, and the person taking it would be in a better position if they took it, but they keep getting worse instead of taking the advice they asked for.

If you ask for advice, heed it. If you ask for a lot of advice, be prepared to pay for it.

Free is free, but only to a point.

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Category: Columns, The Daily Dose

About the Author ()

Steven is an editor/writer with such credits as Fallen Justice, the award nominated The Standard, and Bullet Time under his belt, as well as work published by DC Comics. Between he and his wife, there are 10 kids (!), so there is a lot of creativity all around him. Steven is also the editor in chief and co-creator of ComixTribe, whose mission statement is Creators Helping Creators Make Better Comics. If you're looking for editing, contact him at for rate inquiries.

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