And Then DC Plotzed…

| August 9, 2014 | 2 Comments

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There comes a time in every movie studio’s life where you just have to say two words:

“Oh,” and “fuck.” And they’re  usually said together.

Of course, I’m talking about the Guardians of the Galaxy, their overwhelming debut weekend, and how they’ve already secured a sequel before the movie even hit theaters. I haven’t seen the movie, myself (I plan to, as soon as my wallet tells me I can), but those I know who have seen it (and whose taste I trust)  have nothing bad to say about it.

(And on a slightly different note, I’m still relatively “clean.” I have only seen one trailer, and I have not idea as to what the after-credits scene is. I do this for all Marvel Studios movies.)

So, with this movie doing well, Marvel Studios has cemented themselves as a powerhouse that can really do no wrong. Kevin Feige knows what he’s doing, and cannot be argued with. He has a vision, and he’s implementing it, to the tune  of billions in box office receipts.

And DC cannot get their act together. As in the comics, their movie universe is going to need a reboot. And they’re just starting out with the concept of a shared universe, which is a damned shame. In their bid to do it different than Marvel (because following a winning formula on a stage this big seems very much like a “me, too” move), they’ve sabotaged themselves to doing in film what they’re doing in comics: rebooting their line every few years.

Why do I believe they’re headed for a reboot? Because they purposely aged one of their premiere properties in Batman, making him older and grisled, giving the appearance that he’s near the end of his tether. This means that if their next movie is successful, WB has to reboot Batman to a younger version, either by killing Bruce Wayne or going back in time. Having an “old” Bruce Wayne is not an option moving forward. Are they really going to try to lock Ben Affleck to a multi-movie deal to play this character? I’m not seeing it.

So they have to reboot, one way or the other. As soon as they change away from Bruce Wayne, though, they’re going to lose some of the audience. You can’t de-age him, because Bruce is a public figure. Problems abound with this decision everywhere you look. As soon as they decided to add Batman to a Superman sequel, they made a bad decision. Someone who could have said no and made it stick, didn’t, and now they’re going to suffer for it.

There’s also a list going around of Marvel’s Phase 3 movies. I don’t put much stock in it.

Some of these are either no brainers or already confirmed: sequels to Captain America, the Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Thor, and then there’s the Ant Man movie. However, some of the concepts that are being touted with these movies are somewhat farfetched for me.

I don’t see Marvel doing the Civil War on film. Not yet. Not on a universe that’s just starting to come together (in the timeline of the films). There aren’t enough superhumans yet to warrant a civil war. Yes, there’s going to be a surge of superhumans, but not enough of them are there to a) warrant their own movies and b) pick sides. They also have to do something with the Hulk, because whichever side he’s on, wins. Putting him in space? An option, but then you have to get him back. I’m just not seeing it. I’m not seeing World War Hulk. That’s just another Avengers movie, with the Hulk as the villain. Black Panther would be great. The Inhumans would be another Guardians of the Galaxy. And do you know what’s not seen on there?

Another Iron Man movie.

So, while DC is plotzing, Marvel has staked out a sizeable chunk of real estate. Whatever movies they announce (not these, because it doesn’t make much sense), Warners will be shaking in their boots. Why? Because they’re short sighted, and fans will only take so much.




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Category: Columns, The Daily Dose

About the Author ()

Steven is an editor/writer with such credits as Fallen Justice, the award nominated The Standard, and Bullet Time under his belt, as well as work published by DC Comics. Between he and his wife, there are 10 kids (!), so there is a lot of creativity all around him. Steven is also the editor in chief and co-creator of ComixTribe, whose mission statement is Creators Helping Creators Make Better Comics. If you're looking for editing, contact him at for rate inquiries.

Comments (2)

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  1. Michael says:

    I think you hit the nail on the head when you mention Marvel movies and Kevin Feige… The Marvel movies seem to be following one man’s vision and his and their success speak to a method that works… Other than the 3 most recent Batman films with Nolan at the helm, I feel DC/Warner has way too many cooks in the kitchen…


    • Methinks you’re right, Michael. I think that WB is going to lose on this front. It’s going to collapse, and they’re going to fall back to leaning on Superman and Batman, each in their respective universes, without any crossover, or any meaningful crossover. Teases, but nothing else.

      And if they’re going to rely on the vision of David Goyer, someone needs to talk them off the ledge. He’s not a good fit for the DCU, from a cinematic point of view.

      Anyway, that’s my take.

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