Are You The “Comic Guy” In Your Office?
You know exactly what I mean.
“Hey,” your intrepid co-worker says. “Have you heard about (insert random news fact that has made national news that you knew about two months ago)?”
Being the comic book guy is basically a system of rewards and penalties. The rewards are that you’re put on something of a pedestal. People look up to you because you know things. You know why things work. You know the difference between Superman and Spider-Man, and why they can never meet in the movies. You know the difference between the various film incarnations of Spider-Man versus the comics. They want to hear about it all–as long as they don’t have to know it.
The penalty, though, is frustration, which comes in many forms. That person you like, whom you’re too shy to talk to? The only time they come to you with conversation is about comics–and then you want to educate them on the nuances of Superman’s powers, only to do so and then be made fun of by the rest of the office. Or the fact that these people don’t know the difference between Marvel and DC, or they think that Wolverine is really 6′ tall or that the Venom symbiote came to Earth via a shuttle piloted by JJJ’s son, or…
A specialized set of knowledge, as well as a specialized form of patience.
It ain’t easy.
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Category: Columns, The Daily Dose