How to Sell Your Small-press Book to Retailers Part 3 – 21 Tips from Actual Comic Book Retailers
21 tips on selling your small press books to retailers… from the mouths of retailers themselves!
Yannick Morin is a comic writer, editor and vivisector hailing from the frozen reaches of Quebec City. You've just caught him with all of his endeavors being drawn by artists right now. You will however soon see his work in IC Geek Publishing's JOURNEYMEN: A MASTER WORK anthology (summer 2012) as well as in ComixTribe's OXYMORON anthology (fall 2012). Of course he also has a few other projects on the side but it's all very hush-hush at this point as you can imagine. Apart from complaining about running out of time for writing, Yannick also acts as ComixTribe's Community Relations Manager, making sure the Tribe doesn't erupt into riots on the forum. For more of what spills out of his brain, have a look at his blog Decrypting the Scripting. You can also feed his ravenous ego by following him on Facebook and Twitter (@Moryannick).
Hard work pays off for yourself. Sometimes, it even pays off for others who can learn from what you accomplished.
Vampires may suck but not this comic; all it needs is a little bite from the rewrite wight!
In comics, time is like panels; if you think you’ll run out, make some.
Yes, it’s the fabled and promised YOUNGBLOOD #1 Points of Impact…
It’s my first week of vacation but that doesn’t mean you have to go without any Points of Impact. Come and see what I’ve got prepared for you!
What’s in a comic beat? A lot more than you’d think, especially in the silent ones.
Have this week’s creators huffed some orange spice gas? Come see how they navigate the issue of not having enough space to squeeze in all the goodies you want inside the number of pages you’re given.
Location – can it be more than just scenery?
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