How to Sell Your Small-press Book to Retailers Part 3 – 21 Tips from Actual Comic Book Retailers
21 tips on selling your small press books to retailers… from the mouths of retailers themselves!
This week, John Lees introduces you to The Abnormals, your new favorite superhero team.
Jesus, Abraham Lincoln and friends fight zombies, dinosaurs and zombie dinosaurs in this latest edition of Stephen Lindsay’s series. John Lees offers his thoughts.
This week, John Lees review Sugar Glider #1, the superhero comic that’s caused quite a stir on the British small press scene.
I’ve noticed that, in the comic world at least, dinosaurs are becoming quite trendy. The resurgence in their popularity seemed to begin with Axe Cop, and a supporting cast that not only includes shape-shifting sidekick Dinosaur Soldier, but fan favourite Wexy, a giant, flying, fire-breathing T-Rex. Then came Super Dinosaur, Robert Kirkman’s attempt […]
John Lees returns to review “The Brutal Blade of Bruno the Bandit,” a collection archiving the first 13 stories of Ian McDonald’s Bruno the Bandit webcomic.
The subject of today’s review is Tall Tales from the Badlands, a Western anthology written by brothers Sean and Seamus Kevin Fahey and drawn by a variety of artists. I’ve already spoken of my love for Westerns in earlier reviews, so I’m always happy to read more comics within the genre. This isn’t […]
No disease. No illness. Now what? Here is a case of a comic boldly declaring its own elevator pitch on its front cover, in the eye-catching form of a newspaper headline. It’s a tantalising high concept that writer George O’Connor has come up with: what if one day everybody in the world […]
Written by Jamie Gambell and drawn by J.C. Grande, Omnitarium is a horror story set in Victorian England, revolving around a prison community that finds itself under siege by an old evil that refuses to die. Omnitarium is a four-part miniseries, but it might be better to call it a story of two halves. […]
Comics and pro wrestling go well together. I was a big fan of both when I was younger, and though in recent years my enthusiasm has shifted much towards the comic book realm and away from the stagnant wrestling scene, I’ve still long harboured the notion that combining the two could make for a […]
Having greatly enjoyed writer Mark Bertolini’s work in supervillain series Breakneck, I was excited to read Ghost Lines, the Creator’s Edge Press series he is writing in collaboration with artist Carl Yonder. This is a very different comic to Breakneck, in terms of both content and tone, but what remains consistent is the quality […]
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