How to Sell Your Small-press Book to Retailers Part 3 – 21 Tips from Actual Comic Book Retailers
21 tips on selling your small press books to retailers… from the mouths of retailers themselves!
Tyler James talks to creators Joe Martino, Joey Esposito, Mike Raicht, and Clint Hilinski, who are all running Kickstarter campaigns this week.
Horror writer Rachel Deering shares her thoughts on werewolves, horror in comics, and the nightmares that sometimes come with creator-owned comics
I’m closing in on finishing the script for Issue #1 of Gutter Magic, and I thought I would take the opportunity to talk a little about page counts – what and why the standard page count is 22 pages, and what that means to an indie creator like myself. I’ll also let you know what […]
In this Trenches interview, I chat with writer Sam Humphries, about his quirky sci-fi WTF one-shot OUR LOVE IS REAL, which was recently picked up by Image Comics. Sam is DEFINITELY a creator you should be paying attention to.
I had sort of given up on writing comics a few years ago. Writing comics was one of those things I had always wanted to do, but was always finding excuses not to. At first, it was not knowing how to write a script. Then, not knowing how to hook up with an artist. […]
Jeff McComsey, writer/artist and Editor-In-Chief of the Fubar World War II Zombie anthology steps into the Trenches to share tips for running a successful anthology.
Mark Bertolini returns for an inside look at how his break-out series BREAKNECK came to be.
Mike Raicht is one of the many talented creators I’ve had the chance to meet over the past few years. I’m a fan of his work, and he was kind enough to sit down for this TRENCHES interview.
Find out what Joe Mulvey learned from getting five non-comics readers to give comics a shot!
Myth – The success/failure of your comic in the direct market is entirely based on sales. Related Posts:Lessons In “North Bend”Flatting, With Herve St-LouisHow to Sell Your Small-press Book to Retailers Part 2: The New Series Retailer Portal SiteHow to Sell Your Small-press Book to Retailers Part 1: Why Bother?A “Super” Kickstarter
Trenches, a new ComixTribe feature kicks off today! In this first installment, writer Mark Bertolini (Breakneck, Ghostlines, Long Gone) talks about the trials and tribulations of getting his first comic book project off the ground.
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