How to Sell Your Small-press Book to Retailers Part 3 – 21 Tips from Actual Comic Book Retailers
21 tips on selling your small press books to retailers… from the mouths of retailers themselves!
We’ve got Carlos Parra, a new Brave One entering The Proving Grounds! Come inside and see his rendition of a well-known superhero!
We’ve got a new Brave One in Georg Syphers inside, folks. Let me preface that there’s a LOT of red. Lots of lessons learned here. Make with the clicky and see!
Once again, Tyler James has stepping into The Proving Grounds! Let’s see what kind of Small Tweaks I can make, shall we?
Jon Parrish is back! Let’s see how he does this time! Come on in and see how he tackles Border Time!
Well, maybe they’re angry while being mad. They’ve got to have some reason to kill and such, right? Come on in as I discuss killers that wear masks, use sharp objects, and are sometimes speechless.
We end the talk of superheroes with a bang! A Big Bang! We’re talking about Superhero Universes inside. Come on in and see what it’s all about!
Had the urge to start singing Kung Fu Fighting, but restrained myself. Come inside before I start humming it! Don’t forget your mouth-guard!
This week’s Brave One has Marcus Thompson returning to us! Come in and see what I mean when I say that Panel Descriptions Should Be Thought Out!
This week, I’m being loquacious about superheroes, their power levels, and what setting they’re best used in. Curious? Me, too!
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