How to Sell Your Small-press Book to Retailers Part 3 – 21 Tips from Actual Comic Book Retailers
21 tips on selling your small press books to retailers… from the mouths of retailers themselves!
Vampires may suck but not this comic; all it needs is a little bite from the rewrite wight!
It’s my first week of vacation but that doesn’t mean you have to go without any Points of Impact. Come and see what I’ve got prepared for you!
What’s in a comic beat? A lot more than you’d think, especially in the silent ones.
Don’t listen to Egon. Sometimes it’s a good thing to cross the streams – er, I mean narrative tracks.
Framing devices – simple bookends for your narrative or possibly a whole other story? Lets find out!
This week, Morin shows you how you can make the reader use his “little grey cells”… /Poirot
This week, we look at how you can create comics with more than words and images. No, not money.
If real estate is about “location, location, location”, than comics are about “transition, transition, transition”. Find out why!
Just when you thought you had enough of reading me in the comment sections, they go ahead and give me my own column! Come inside and see what Points of Impact is all about!
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