How to Sell Your Small-press Book to Retailers Part 3 – 21 Tips from Actual Comic Book Retailers
21 tips on selling your small press books to retailers… from the mouths of retailers themselves!
This week, we have TWO Brave Ones entering The Proving Grounds! Adam Burbey and Luke Noonan, ladies and gents! Let’s see what I mean when I say “Know Your Medium.” (That’s your cue to click and come in.)
We’ve got Carlos Parra, a new Brave One entering The Proving Grounds! Come inside and see his rendition of a well-known superhero!
We’ve got a new Brave One in Georg Syphers inside, folks. Let me preface that there’s a LOT of red. Lots of lessons learned here. Make with the clicky and see!
We’ve got a new Brave One stepping into The Proving Grounds! Let’s see how Connor MacDonald does!
We have returning Brave One Jamie Fairlie up on deck! Let’s see how he does!
Jon Parrish is back! Let’s see how he does this time! Come on in and see how he tackles Border Time!
Once again, John Lees is back, doing his best to draw the reader in! Does he succeed? Make with the clicky and see!
Kyle Raios is BACK! And I think he wants to get himself sued! Make with the clicky and see what I mean!
Knowing what can and can’t be drawn is something that every writer needs to know. Come in and see if Jamie Fairlie knows. He’s this week’s Brave One!
Still talking about Dialogue! Some tips and tricks, and something to blow your mind! Come in and see what I’m talking about!
The information you put in your panel descriptions are important, as is the selection of camera angles. Come on in and see what I’m talking about. Matt Johnson is this week’s Brave One, and he’s given me a lot to say!
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