How to Sell Your Small-press Book to Retailers Part 3 – 21 Tips from Actual Comic Book Retailers
21 tips on selling your small press books to retailers… from the mouths of retailers themselves!
Welcome back, one and all, to another installment of The Proving Grounds! This week we have a new Brave One in the form of Riccardo Martino. I’m going to be by myself this week when it comes to editing. There was a surprise that had been lined up for all of you, but it fell […]
We all measure what we think of as success differently, and that’s great. But whatever you think success is, you should move those goalposts when you feel you’ve achieved it. This will keep you always moving forward and striving for something better. Go forth. Be successful. Measure it. Then be more successful. You can only […]
Your visibility is a very important thing. You can’t continue to get work without it. That being said, you should always ask the question: How is the project going to be published? This is the only question that really matters. Yes, you can ask questions about ownership and money and printing and terms and limits […]
What’s your after-comics plan? Reality-check: the overwhelming bulk of us will not be able to make a living off of creating comics, and as healthcare gets better, we’re living longer than ever. The likelihood of you as an individual being relevant to comics in 5 years is slim—if you’re ever there at all. So you […]
There are times when you just need to hear this. Related Posts:The Choice Is YoursThe Back-UpPractice Makes Perfect?Dead No (Yawn) MoreA Simple Email Tip
What’s your story? Before you approach any tale you want to tell, be it visually or with words, this question should be asked. The answer should inform how you approach the telling of the tale. #simpletenets Related Posts:The Choice Is YoursThe Back-UpPractice Makes Perfect?Dead No (Yawn) MoreA Simple Email Tip
Time. Time management, to be more precise. Time management is about prioritizing what is and isn’t important to you—what has to be done right now versus what can wait a bit. Related Posts:The Choice Is YoursThe Back-UpPractice Makes Perfect?Dead No (Yawn) MoreA Simple Email Tip
How often do you challenge yourself in your work? I mean, really push your limit? There’s an annual challenge called 24 Hour Comic Day. The goal is to create a 24 page comic in 24 hours. Related Posts:The Choice Is YoursThe Back-UpPractice Makes Perfect?Dead No (Yawn) MoreA Simple Email Tip
We’re practically at the end of the second week of the year. It’s now time to get off our collective asses and start to do something about the stuff we didn’t do during the holidays. Stopped working out? Time to get back on the horse. Stopped creating? Time to get back on it. The […]
There are all kinds of social things out there. Ways to communicate whatever it is you want. Related Posts:The Choice Is YoursThe Back-UpPractice Makes Perfect?Dead No (Yawn) MoreA Simple Email Tip
The most important aspect of any plan or initiative is the follow-through. Saying I’m going to accomplish this means nothing if you don’t follow through. Want to get somewhere in comics? Follow through. #simpletenets Related Posts:The Choice Is YoursThe Back-UpPractice Makes Perfect?Dead No (Yawn) MoreA Simple Email Tip
You’re creating because you have something to say. Using your voice is important. Just don’t let your ego write checks your talent can’t cash. #simpletenets Related Posts:The Choice Is YoursThe Back-UpPractice Makes Perfect?Dead No (Yawn) MoreA Simple Email Tip
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